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Svilaj Viaduct

Svilaj, Croatia

Projects / Bridges & viaducts / Viaducts / Svilaj Viaduct
Location Svilaj, Croatia
Client Government of the Republic of Croatia & Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contractor Hering d.d.
Period of execution 2017-2019
Weight 5.300 tons
Length 640 meters (70+85+100+130+100+85+70)

The realization of this bridge, crossing the Sava River at the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, is part of a broader European project aimed to improve the viability system of the Western Balkans and connect the area within the European road system.

Svilaj Bridge is a double-lane bridge with an overall length of 640 meters, divided in seven spans. The steel structure has an overall weight of 5.000 tons and lays on four concrete pillars, two of which inside the fluvial riverbed. Single elements have been firstly pre-assembled on the ground, then erected in position on the top of temporary structures and staxo towers for those areas above the shore, while the central span is installed and supported by mean of a crane. To ensure accessibility also during flooding season, two banks have been created within the river by using sheet piles to stem the water flow.